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Louellen’s Professional Kitchen Sink
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text single_style=””]As you’ve followed the link to Louellen’s Curriculum Vitae. we assume you are looking for a kitchen-sink type listing of the things she’s done. You’ll find links to the publications, papers, events, or organizations where available. The information on this page includes professional, civic, and recreational activities beyond similar projects completed for clients.
- Professional Communications: A complete listing of Louellen’s publications, papers, and presentations by date as well as a link to blogs to which she contributes and/or manages.
- Professional Involvement: A listing of Louellen’s involvement in the Society for Technical Communication and Women Business Owners of Denton County as well as other organizations of which she is a member
- Civic Involvement: A listing of Louellen’s involvement with civic organizations, including Denton County Adoption Day, Denton Ducks Unlimited, and Family Resource Center of North Texas
- Honors and Awards: A listing of Honors and Awards bestowed upon Louellen and projects with which she has been affiliated
- Recreational Activities: A listing of Louellen’s recreational activities including distance running and sailing
Professional Communications
- May 2011: Technical Communication Book Review: Marketing in the Age of Google
- February 2011: Technical Communication Book Review: Typography Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Working with Type
- November 2010: Technical Communication Book Review: Agile Coaching
- September 2010: Technically Write newsletter article: LinkedIn adds Behance Connection via Creative Portfolio Display App
- May 2010: Technical Communication Book Review: Search Engine Optimization An Hour a Day
- April 2010: Technically Write newsletter article: What do Technically Write, Competitions Judging, and Speaking at Conference have to do with Kevin Bacon?
- March 2010: Technically Write newsletter article: Google Wave: A Tidal Wave or a Gentle Lapping along the Collaboration Shore?
- February 2010: Technical Communication Book Review: Tools of the Trade: A Review of Five Books on Illustrator CS4
September 2009: Technically Write newsletter article: Three Fabulous Time-Saving Tools
- August 2009: Technical Communication Book Review: The Ultimate CSS Reference (pdf)
- May 2009: Technical Communication Book Review: Wikipatterns (pdf)
- April 2009: Technically Write newsletter article Putting Together a Successful Portfolio
- March 2009: Technically Write newsletter article Amazon’s Kindle2: Will it Spark a Wild Fire?
- February 2009: Technical Communication Book Review: The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks (pdf)
- December 2008: Technically Write newsletter article: Denton County Adoption Day and LSC’s Contribution
- November/December 2008 Devil Mountain Views newsletter article Creating Professional Portfolios
- November 2008: Technical Communication Book Review: Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions (pdf)
- October 2008: Technically Write newsletter article Book Review: The Designer’s Guide to Marketing and Pricing
- October 2008: Technically Write newsletter article Adobe Creative Suite 4: It’s Coming Soon!
- August 2008: Technical Communication Book Review The Art of Digital Branding (pdf)
- August 2008: Technical Communication Book Review The Educational Potential of e-Portfolios: Supporting Personal Development and Reflective Learning (pdf)
- Summer 2008: Technically Write newsletter article Doing the Philadelphia Shuffle
- May 26, 2008: True You Marketing Blog reprinted article Protecting your Assets in Microsoft Word
- May 2008: Technically Write newsletter article Protecting your Assets in Microsoft Word
- April 2008: Technically Write newsletter article You CAN Migrate to Office 2007 and Still Collaborate
- March 2008: Technically Write newsletter article Book Review: What Happens When Your Iceberg Starts to Melt?
- February 2008: Technically Write newsletter article Keeping the Love Alive in Your Career
- January 2008: STC UUX Newsletter reprinted article All Those Web Browsers, Which One Do I Pick?
- December 2007: Technically Write newsletter article All Those Web Browsers, Which One Do I Pick?
- November 2007: Intercom editorial article: Are Postage Stamps Technical Communication? (pdf)
- November 2007: Technically Write newsletter article You Google, but do you iGoogle?
- October 2007: Technically Write newsletter article Using your Software with Microsoft Vista
- September 2007: Technically Write newsletter article Photoshop CS3: Does it Stand up to the Hype?
- February 2007: Intercom article Developing your Professional Portfolio (pdf)
- February 2007: Technically Write newsletter article Press Releases: Getting your News Published
- February 2007: Technically Write newsletter article Using Photoshop CS3 to Convert Images to Grayscale
- May 2006: Technically Write newsletter article Land, Ho!
- April 2006: Technically Write newsletter article All Hands on Deck
- March 2006: Technically Write newsletter article What a Difference Three Days Make
- February 2006: Technically Write newsletter article From the Crow’s Nest, Full Speed Ahead
- January 2006: Technically Write newsletter article Full Speed Ahead
- December 2005: Technically Write newsletter article Embracing the Changing Winds
- October 2005: Technically Write newsletter article Weathering the Storm
- September 2005: Technically Write newsletter article Charting the Course
- Summer 2005: Technically Write newsletter article Taking the Helm
- October 2003: Technically Write newsletter article Workshops Provide Opportunity to Hone Writing and Technical Skills
- STC Summit Proceedings 2009: Professional Portfolios
- STC Summit Proceedings 2008: Professional Portfolios
- STC Summit Proceedings 2006: Professional Portfolios
- STC Proceedings 2005: Professional Portfolios: Showcasing Your Technical Communications Skills
- STC Proceedings 2005: Starting your Business
- 2004 STC Region 5 Conference Proceedings: Professional Portfolios
- August 2011: Presentation for MAG!C Euless: Portfolios for the Creative Professional
- July 2011: Presentation for Big(D)esign Conference: Portfolios for the Creative Professional
- May 2011: CIC-SIG Progression Presentation, 2011 STC Technical Communication Summit: Professional Portfolios
- May 2011: Workshop for New York Metro Community, Society for Technical Communication: Blogging
- May 2011: Workshop for New York Metro Community, Society for Technical Communication: Leverage Social Media Workshop
- May 2011: Presentation for New York Metro Community, Society for Technical Communication: Professional Portfolios for the Creative Professional
- April 2011: Presentation for Career Connections MarCom Group: The 5 Cs of Branding Yourself Electronically
- April 2011: Webinar for RiseSmart: Professional Portfolios
- March 2011: Presentation to Ohio Community, Society for Technical Communication: Leveraging your Portfolio
- December 2010: STC Webinar Series: Professional Portfolios
- November 2010: Presentation/Mini-Workshop at LawPact Conference: Leveraging Social Media for Your Law Practice
- October 2010: Presentation at STC-PCOC Conference: Your Electronic Presence in the Job Market
- September 2010: Featured Presenter, Women Business Owners of Denton County Social Media Marketing Workshop: Setting up a WordPress Blog and Writing Your First Post (presentation on Slideshare)
- May 2010: CIC-SIG Progression Presentation, 2010 STC Technical Communication Summit: Professional Portfolios
- April 2010: Presentation to Lone Star Community, Society for Technical Communication: Professional Portfolios; Real Projects = Real Results (presentation on SlideShare)
- November 2009: Presentation with Tamera Bennett, Attorney to the Women Business Owners of Denton County: Don’t Be Afraid: You CAN Social Network! 5 Easy Steps to Launch a Social Networking Plan (presentation on SlideShare)
- June 2009: Presentation to Denton County United Way: A Walk on the Wild Side, A Field Guide to Social Networking (presentation on SlideShare)
- May 2009: CIC-CIG Progression Presentation, 2009 STC Technical Communication Summit: Professional Portfolios
- October 2008: Presentation to the Denton County Bar Association: Metadata The Ghosts and Monsters Lurking in Your Electronically Stored Information (presentation on SlideShare)
- May 2008: CIC-CIG Progression Presentation, 2008 STC Technical Communication Summit: Professional Portfolios
- Spring 2008: Presentation to the Denton County Paralegal Association: Taming the Metadata Beasty in Microsoft Word
- January 2007: Brown Bag Presentation to UNT Technical Communication Students: Creating Professional Portfolios
- January 2007: Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition Star Parade: The Key to a Successful Year, Bryan Texas Utilities’ Annual Report, 2005
- February 2005: Virtual Portfolios; Real Results Workshop for the Lone Star Community Society for Technical Communication
- May 2005: 2005 STC Technical Communication Summit: Professional Portfolios
- May 2005: 2005 STC Technical Communication Summit: Starting your Business
- October 2004: STC Region 5 Conference: Professional Portfolios
- Content Notes, owner, developer, manager, contributor
- Content Portfolio, owner, developer, manager, contributor
- STC Marketing-Communication SIG Blog, contributor
- Divas by Design, owner,developer, manager, contributor
- Soon to Launch: Mauri Pro Sailing Blog, developer, manager, editor
- Soon to Launch: Traveling Monkeys Blog, owner,developer, manager, contributor
Professional Organization Involvement
Society for Technical Communication
Lone Star Community Involvement
- 2010-2011: Lone Star Community Competition Judge
- 2009-2010: Lone Star Community Competition Judge and Team Leader
- 2009-2010: Lone Star Community Public Relations Manager
- 2008-2009: Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition Judge and Team Leader
- 2008-2009: Lone Star Community Public Relations Manager
- 2007-2008: Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition Manager
- 2007-2008: Lone Star Community Technical Publication Competition Judge
- 2006-2007: Lone Star Community Immediate Past President
- 2005-2006: Lone Star Community President
- 2005-2006: Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition Judge
- 2004-2005: Lone Star Community 1st Vice President
- 2004-2005: Lone Star Community Program Manager
- 2004-2005: Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition Judge
- 2003-2004: Lone Star Community 2nd Vice President
- 2003-2004: Lone Star Community Workshop Manager
Mar-Comm SIG
- 2008- Current: Contributor, Mar-Comm SIG Blog
Society for Technical Communication Involvement
- 2011: People, Project, & Business Management Track Manager for 2012 Technical Communication Summit
- 2011: Professional Development Track Manager for 2012 Technical Communication Summit
- 2011: Technical Publication Competition Judge
- 2010: Writing and Editing Track Reviewer for 2011 Technical Communication Summit
- 2010: Management Track Reviewer for 2011 Technical Communication Summit
- 2010: Technical Publication Competition Lead Judge
- 2010: Newsletter Competition Judge
- 2009: Writing and Editing Track Reviewer for 2010 Technical Communications Summit
- 2009: Technical Publication Competition Judge
- 2007: Technical Publication Competition Judge
Special Interest Group Involvement
- 2003- Current: Member, Consultant & Independent Contractor SIG
- 2003- Current: Member, Marketing Communication SIG
Women Business Owners of Denton County
- 2011: Board of Directors At-Large Member
- 2011: Communications and Web Chair
- 2010: Past President
- 2009: President
- 2008: President
- 2007: President-Elect
- 2006: Communications Chair
- 2006: Board of Directors At-Large Member
- 2005: Communications Chair
- 2005: Board of Directors At-Large Member
- 2005-Current: Website Manager (Developed and continue to maintain the organization’s website)
Professional Organizations and Affiliations
- DFW Search Engine Marketers Association 2009-current
- IEEE Professional Communication Society Member, 2008-current
- InDesign User Group, 2004-current
- Joomla! User Group (DFW), 2008-2010
- National Association of Photoshop Professionals, 2006-current
- Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, 2003-current
Civic Organization Involvement
Denton County Adoption Day
2011 Involvement
- Served on coordinating board
- Created and produced event materials including advertisements, posters, invitations, and artwork for bags, shirts, signage
- Created social media presence for event
2010 Involvement
- Served on coordinating board
- Created and produced event materials including advertisements, posters, invitations, and artwork for bags, shirts, signage
- Created social media presence for event
2009 Involvement
- Served on coordinating board
- Created and produced event materials including advertisements, posters, invitations, and artwork for bags, shirts, signage
- Took casual photos during event
2008 Involvement
- Served on founding board
- Designed event logo and materials including advertisements, posters, invitations, and artwork for bags, shirts, signage
- Took casual photos during event
2003-2009 Involvement
- 2003-2010: Develop and maintain local organization’s website, www.dentondu.com
Family Resource Center of North Texas
2009 Involvement
- Serve on Board of Directors
- Public Relations Committee Chair
- Family Ties Annual Fund Raiser Committee Member
- Developed a robust web presence for the organization, www.famiyresource-nt.org
2008 Involvement
- Served on Board of Directors
- Public Relations Committee Chair
- Coordinated rebranding efforts including no logo, business cards, stationery, and other marketing collateral
- Began developing a robust web presence for the organization, www.famiyresource-nt.org
2007 Involvement
- Served on Board of Directors
- Public Relations Committee Chair
Honors and Awards
- 2012: Award of Merit for Texas Co-op Power Magazine in the 2012 North Texas Lone Star Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication’s Information Materials Competition.
- 2011: Named Associate Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication
- 2011: Community Partner Award from the Family Resource Center of North Texas
- 2011: Distinguished Award for www.simpletexasdivorce.com in the 2011 Society for Technical Communication’s International Online Communication Competition
- 2011 Award of Excellence for www.simpletexasdivorce.com in the 2011 Middle Tennessee Community-Society for Technical Communication’s Online Communication Competition
- 2011: Award of Merit for Texas Co-op Power Magazine in the Middle Tennessee Community Society for Technical Communication’s Technical Publication Competition
- 2011: Award of Merit for Denton County Collaborative Professionals Book Marketing Materials in the Middle Tennessee Community Society for Technical Communication’s Technical Publication Competition
- 2011: Award of Merit for Denton County Collaborative Professionals Website User Quick Reference Guides and Support Videos in the Middle Tennessee Community Society for Technical Communication’s Technical Publication Competition
- 2010: Best Feature Story awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for an article edited by Content Solutions
- 2010: Best Series of Articles, Substantive Law awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for an article edited by Content Solutions
- 2010: Award of Merit for Texas Co-op Power Magazine, BTU Local Pages Insert in the Lone Star Community 2009 Technical Publications Competition, Magazines
- 2010: Award of Merit for Denton County Adoption Day Marketing Materials in the Lone Star Community 2009 Technical Art Competition
- 2009: Outstanding Partnership Program awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for a community-wide project in which Content Solutions was involved
- 2009: Best News Story awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for an article edited by Content Solutions
- 2009: Best Human Interest Story awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for an article edited by Content Solutions
- 2009: Best Series of Articles, Substantive Law awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for a series of articles edited by Content Solutions (view archive)
- 2009: Award of Excellence from the Lone Star Community Online Publications Competition for Brickhouse Gym’s website
- 2009: Award of Merit from the Lone Star Community Technical Art Competition for Livin’ in a Lineman’s World CD packaging
- 2008: URock Award from the Lone Star Community STC for efforts on the 2008-09 member mailer
- 2008: Distinguished Chapter Service Award presented to Louellen S. Coker by the Society for Technical Communication (more info)
- 2008: Award of Excellence for BTU Local Pages Insert, Texas Co-op Power magazine in the 2008 Society for Technical Communication International Technical Publications Competition, Magazines (view archive)
- 2008: Distinguished Award for BTU Local Pages Insert, Texas C-op Power magazine in the 2008 Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competitions, Magazines (view archive)
- 2008: Distinguished Award for BTU Power Pedal website in the 2008 Lone Star Community Online Communication Competition (view archived site)
- 2008: Award of Excellence for Jack Creek-Kurten Brochure in the 2008 Lone Star Community Technical Publication Competition, Brochures (view) (294KB, .pdf)
- 2008: Award of Excellence for BTU 2006 Annual Report in the 2008 Lone Star Community Technical Publication Competition, Annual Reports (view report) (2.54 MB, .pdf)
- 2007: Award of Excellence for BTU Local Pages Insert, Texas Co-op Power magazine in the 2007 Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition, Magazines (view archive)
- 2007: Award of Excellence for BTU 2005 Annual Report in the 2007 Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition, Annual Report (view report) (3.53MB, .pdf)
- 2007: Award of Excellence for BTU 2005 Annual Report in the 2007 Lone Star Community Technical Art Competition, Annual Report (view report) (3.53MB, .pdf)
- 2007: Award of Excellence for BTU 2006 Annual Report in th 2008 Lone Star Community Technical Art Competition (view report) (2.54 MB, .pdf)
- 2005: Outstanding Human Interest Story awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for an article for which Content Solutions provided ghost writing services (view article) (138KB, .pdf)
- 2005: Outstanding Series of Newsletter Articles awarded by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for a series of articles edited by Content Solutions (view archive)
- Award of Merit for BTU Local Pages Insert, Texas Co-op Power Magazine in the 2004 Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition, Magazines (view archive)
- 2004: Award of Merit for BTU 2003 Annual Report in the 2004 Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition, Annual Report
- 2004: Outstanding Series of Newsletter Articles award by the Texas Bar Association to the Denton Bar Association for a series of articles edited by Content Solutions (view archive)
- 2003: Award of Merit for BTU Local Pages Insert, Texas Co-op Power Magazine in the 2004 Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition, Magazines (view archive)
- 2002: Award of Merit for CCS-SW IRISDocs Quick Reference Guides in the 2002 Lone Star Community Technical Publications Competition, Quick Reference Guides
- 2001: Award of Excellence for CoServ Local Pages Insert, Texas Co-op Power Magazine in the 2001 Kay Robart Student Competition, Magazines (Austin Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication)
- 2001: Award of Excellence for CoServ Connections in the 2001 Kay Robart Student Competition, Newsletters (Austin Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication)
- 2001: Award of Merit for SiEnergy pamphlet in the 2001 Kay Robart Student Competition, Brochures (Austin Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication)
Recreational Activities
Distance Running
- February 2010: Run the Line Half Marathon, Texarkana, TX
- November 2009: San Antonio Rock-n-Roll Marathon, San Antonio, TX
- October 2009: Hoover Dam Half, Las Vegas, NV
- Fall 2009: Diabetes Action Team member (fundraising effort to support diabetes research and education)
- May 2009: Indy Mini Half Marathon, Indianapolis, IN
- December 2008: Las Vegas Half Marathon, Las Vegas, NV
- November 2008: San Antonio Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon, San Antonio, TX
- December 2007: Las Vegas Half Marathon, Las Vegas, NV
- October 2007: Marine Corps Marathon, Washington, DC
- Fall 2007: Diabetes Action Team member (fundraising effort to support diabetes research and education)
- March 2007: Armadillo Dash, College Station, TX
- December 2006: Dallas White Rock Half, Dallas, TX
- November 2006: The Half, Dallas, TX
- December 2005: Maraton de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
- November 2005: The Half, Dallas, TX
- December 2002: White Rock Marathon, Dallas, TX
- November2002: The Half, Dallas, TX
- February 2002: Mardi Gras Marathon, New Orleans, LA
- Winter 2001-2002: Team Diabetes (fundraising effort to support diabetes research and education)
- April 2010: Lakefest Regatta, Spinnaker Division, 1st place, Farr 39, Lake Texoma, TX
- April 2010: Lakefest Regatta, Class 3, 1st place, Farr 39, Lake Texoma, TX
- March 2010: Ice Breaker Series, Spinnaker Division, Texoma Sailing Club, 1st place, Farr 39, Lake Texoma, TX
- September 2009: Wunderlick Regatta, 100 mile division, 1st place, Farr 39, Lake Texoma, TX
- October 2008: Road to Rolex Women’s J22 Clinic Graduate, Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club (article)
- March 2008: Ice Breaker Series, Texoma Sailing Club, 1st Place, Henderson 30, Lake Texoma, TX
- November 2007: Texas Circus J24 Regatta, 1st place, Canyon Lake, TX
- October 2007: Hobie 33 North American National Championship Regatta, Photographer and daily newsletter editor, Lake Michigan, MI
- October 2007: Sundowner Series, Texoma Sailing Club, 2nd place, Henderson 30, Lake Texoma, TX
- June 2007: Chicago NOOD Regatta, PHRF division, 1st place, Henderson 30, Lake Michigan, IL
- June 2007: Solstice Series, Texoma Sailing Club, 1st place, Henderson 30, Lake Texoma, TX
- April 2007: Lakefest Regatta,1st Place, Henderson 30, Lake Texoma, TX
- March 2007: Ice Breaker Series,Texoma Sailing Club,1st Place, Henderson 30, Lake Texoma, TX
- 2007: Cedar Mills Yacht Club, Race Captain, Lake Texoma, TX
- October 2006: Hobie 33 North American National Championship Regatta, Photographer and daily newsletter editor, Lake Texoma, TX
- October 2006: Hobie 33 North American National Championship Regatta, Race Committee, Lake Texoma, TX
- October 2006: Hobie 33 North American National Championship Regatta, Race Committee, Lake Texoma, TX
Additional Activities
- Trekked the Inca Trail, Macchu Pichu, Peru, 2010
- Summitted Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Africa, 2009
- Summitted Gyokyo Ri, Everest Region, Nepal Himalaya, 1997
- PADI Rescue Diver certification
- Avid Snowboarder
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